Thursday, September 8, 2011

Calamity Jane

My incredible boyfriend has taken to calling me Calamity Jane.  I'm guessing that it may be on account of the uncanny number of items that have gone awry in the house since my arrival a mere 2 months ago:

-Minor middle of the night toilet flooding incident (may I add that I saved the day on this one by hearing the gusher at 3am...boyfriend would likely point out that I caused the issue to begin with)
-Sprinkler system leak
-Gigunda driveway crack
-Not so minor water pipe leak (I dug a giant hole in 100+ degree heat in an effort to save the day; ends up the hole wasn't exactly in the right place)
-Entry way concrete upheaval
-Kitchen sink garbage disposal explosion (it was grrroooossssss)
-Shower soap dish shattering
-Bathroom faux-drawer face accidental removal (what is the point of a false drawer?!?)

Truth is, I had a hand in only roughly 25% of these incidents....

In similarly catastrophic news, just as I am mostly recovered from my back tweak, I find myself with a raging cold.  I clearly am not meant to cardio this week (or last, for that matter).

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Can I Get a What What!?!

Exciting times:

-Down 3.4 pounds last week.  61 total.  Finally out of the rut and back in the game (I think).
-Found myself on the elliptical this am for the first time in 8 days. Managed to get through the whole workout despite my busted (but improving) back.
-Wore my skinny-skinny jeans on Sunday night.  The jeans that I haven't fit into in 4+ yrs.  And I looked damn good!
-Mostly stuck to the plan on Sunday for Mexican food sans blowing the week.  Managed to work a lo-cal mojito into the plan.  Came in a dozen or so points under for the day--big save!

Big smiles...huge!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

A Precarious Position

Well, I've managed to put myself in a pickle this week--a points pickle.

Here's the scenario:
-I ate my way to -5 points for the week, going into Sunday.  This means I've downed 5 more than my allowable weekly and activity points.  The goal is to have weekly/ activity points remaining---or at least be even.
-In an attempt to salvage the week, I walked the 5 points off this am.  Normally, this would leave me just ducky, as I only have to stay within my 43 daily points today to call this week a "success".
-This is soooo not that kind of day.  I've committed to going to one of my fave upscale Mexican restos for dinner.  One that specializes in fancy margaritas and delicioso fajitas.
-To compound things, my fabulous boyfriend has a ton (like 80+) weekly/ activity points left, so he is free and clear for dinner tonight.


My options:
-Say "fuck it".
-Show supreme restraint.

The early decision is to go with the latter.  I am currently planning to have a grilled shrimp salad and a mere 12 tortilla chips.  Sounds yummy.  Ok, not at all--but--sometimes you just gotta suck it up and make a good choice.

May the force be with me.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

My Superstar Boyfriend

My boyfriend has taken to this Weight Watchers thing like a champ!

He has been counting his points for every morsel that enters his mouth---even when he big time transgresses.  And has kicked my ass with the activity points--you know, by working out every day this week...sometimes twice.  You should see how effective he has become at "guilting while not guilting" me into good choices.  And encouraging us to eat at home instead of going to Houston Resto Month every night of the week.   When he is having a bad day and I offer to go out and snag him something sinful, he politely yet pointedly declines.  And when we do go out for Mexican food he manages to have a salad no dressing instead of the 2 margaritas, quesadilla, and mountain of chips that seem to sneak their way into my mouth.

All of this while maintaining full time employment. ;-)

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Yay and Boo

So, last week I dropped 1.6 pounds.  And I'm thrilled.

I know that being pleased seems odd, since I formerly was averaging 4lbs or so a week.  But as of late I've been in the < 1 pound range....soooooo 1.6lbs seems like a win to me.

In the loss column is my poor busted back. Not quite sure how I did it--somewhere in between the leg press and the lunges.

Thus I haven't been able to work out since Monday.  Bitter sweet.  I mean, I HATE working out...but I also hate the thought that my ass is expanding due to lack of activity.

So, tomorrow I will go to the trainer.  And get this back, back on track.

Wish me luck!