Wednesday, February 16, 2011


I have never been so happy to lose .6 (point 6) lbs in my life.

Lemme tell ya. 

When I stepped onto that scale this morning for the first time in 11 days (shame on me!!!), I was fairly certain that the needle had been inching in the wrong direction. That would have truly devastated me.

Being back into real life the last couple of weeks has been rough--good....but tough.  I am slowly learning to balance and was afraid that my stumbles had set me back.

Fortunately the cosmos seems to be smiling on me.  I have been granted a chance to resume my place firmly on track without having lost ground.

For that, can I get a HALLELUJAH!?!?!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Aryn,
    It's so nice to read your blog and catch up with how you've been lately! Mo told me you were doing this and sent me the link yesterday. I read the whole thing, and found myself giggling quite a few times while I was reading it. You are really doing so well and taking your new life in stride!! So glad you are doing something for YOU, and that you are happy doing it :)
    Hope all else is well and I would love to catch up sometime!! You go girl!
