Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Jumbo Skittles

This entry is not for the squeamish.  Reader discretion is advised.

Fat lingerie.  Sounds like an oxymoron, eh?  And perhaps it should remain that way.  Lemme tell ya, there are few experiences like going to a lingerie store for fat people. 

You would think that a fat lingerie store would consist of black garments of various lengths.


Very few people look good in flourescent orange, hot pink, or shocking blue.  Yet, there were racks and racks of frilly smocks just begging to make victims resemble giant, jiggly skittles. 

Not a black number in the place.  Is this a JOKE?

In my humble (and jumbo) opinion, there should be a size limit to a lime green teddy and a bright orange thong should be reserved for Victoria's Secret models.

It's like whomever designed this "sexy" garb has never encountered a person larger than a size 2. 

I feel shortchanged and under-represented.

I think I just might have to write my Congressman.

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