Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Fat in Moroccan

There are some things that are universal in any language.  I have come to find out that being called fat is apparently one of them.

Tale 1:
The primary customary method of dress in Morocco is called a "jalaba".  It's essentially a long sleeved, floor length, a line dress with a hood that is worn by both men and women.

Mom went into a store to try one on.  She pulled whqat she thought was her size down from the rack.  The shop keeper quickly ran over, laughed loudly, and handed her a garment easily twice the size of the one she had chosen.  FUNNY.

Tale 2:
Mom and I decided to experience the traditional Turkish bath called "hammam".  The actual experience is beyond accurate explanation, however, it essentially involves being scrubbed vigorously head to toe (and parts you didn't know) after being steamed as if in a rice cooker. 

I walked into the hamman and was directed to sit on a teeeennny tiiiiinnny stool.  The scrubber took one look at me and called for a giant wooden bench.  She then patted her stomach and giggled.  Also funny.

Pass the pigeon pie!

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