Friday, November 4, 2011

DAY 3!!!

So, it's really day 330-something of my new lifestyle quest.  Yes, it has almost been a year already--can ya believe it?!?!?

For me at this moment, it feels more like day 3.  Ya see, somehow I let myself fall into a rut resembling a giant vat of excuses.  None of them particularly solid, inventive, witty excuses.  Just plain old half hearted "reasons" why it was justified for me to take a break from the program that I uprooted my whole life for.

My trek out of the rut began with a call to my mom a few days ago.  This "discussion" kicked off with a lengthy confession (on my part) and loud chiding (on hers).  It was JUST what I needed, and JUST why I called.

And now my (rather robust) ass is back in gear (again).  And I am genuinely, desperately hopeful that it will stay there.

My low is 61 lbs down....and I am clamoring to get past that number.  Well, at least I have been clamoring for the last 3 days.  Prior to that, I was eating a vat of Halloween candy almost as large as my vat of excuses.

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