Sunday, November 28, 2010


Apparently, one who has not worked out in roughly 11 months should not begin with an elliptical ride significantly above one's fitness level followed by a three mile jaunt in the park in 4 year old tennis shoes.  The result is as should have been expected--I am now walking like I am 95.  

In other news, the food part is easier than expected.  Aiming for 1200 calories a day--and came under than both days thus far.  Though under is not optimal, it's better than over,  I'm thinkin.  Prolly would be even easier if I wasn't strangely drawn to the Food Network.  As long as I don't start licking the screen, I figure it can't do much harm.

Have no fear, broken in body but not spirit.  Will fight back on Day 3!

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