Monday, December 6, 2010

Is This a JOKE????

.4 lbs.  I said it.  I lost .4 lbs.  Not 4....point 4. After working out 10 times in 7 days and eating substantially less than my allocation.  .4 damn it.

According to the experts, APPARENTLY my body thinks I am stuck on a deserted island based on the lack of calories I am eating--and it's holding onto my ample fat with dear life.  Also apparently my working out in excess has only compounded the problem, as I am needing to ingest still more calories to offset the exercise.

Speaking of compounding the problem.....

My mother lost 2.6 lbs.  This is after having a veritable Mexican fiesta on Saturday night...and dipping into her flex points almost daily.  Good for her.  Rah Rah.


Oh, and the trainer was fine.  More on that after I stop weeping about my meager needle movement.

1 comment:

  1. LOL! I love reading your blog it makes me feel like you're still in San Fran! : )
