Monday, December 20, 2010

To Sweat or Not to Sweat-That is the Question...

Apparently sweat is passe at my training gym.

I conducted an informal survey of the situation over the last several sessions.  To my dismay, I discovered that no one sweats.  I'm not kidding.  If I were to remove myself from the equation, there would be literally zero sweat-ers out of throngs of gym folk.

I don't get it.

Upon further examination, it also seems that it is utterly uncool to show any sign of physical exertion at all.  In addition to being bone dry, my gym cohorts sache around the floor as if it is recess in high school.  I'm not suggesting that they aren't working hard.  QUITE THE OPPOSITE.  That's what baffles me. They are busting their asses whilst appearing that they are out for a lovely Sunday stroll.

Let's just say that I don't exactly fit this mold.  A gym debutant I am not.

In other news, the box and the ball (which you may remember are far from my favorite) did not beat me today.  In a shocking turn of events, I was the victor of week 3-round 1.  Take that!!

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