Saturday, January 1, 2011

Ode to 2010

I intended to post this pre-2011, however, life got in the way.

This entry may seem a bit self indulgent; I believe I owe the cosmos a huge thank you for all of the milestones I am fortunate to include as part of my 2010.  In somewhat particular order:

-Enjoyed a more dynamic dating and social life than any year prior
-Fell in love
-Saw my best girlfriend get married and have a baby
-Survived the most insane show season that I have ever experienced in my professional life
-Hit ticket sales records on multiple events
-Joined my family in exploring China
-Experienced the Giants winning a World Series
-Succumbed to the pressure to start a blog
-Began the year gaining weight and ended the year losing it
-Made the decision to make a change in favor of fitness and life balance and actually made the change

And that's just the big stuff....

Here's to a tremendous 2011!


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