Sunday, January 2, 2011


Warning: The entry below is the second in a two part series of self indulgent posts.

Considering the whole leaving my life in my rearview thing, I think I'm a bit past making New Year's resolutions.  That's not to say that I don't have a plethora of growth areas for 2011--oh boy do I ever!

Naturally, I wish for my family, friends, and the world in general peace, happiness, health, and comfort.  No kidding.

In addition to the obvious, I am also selfishly hopeful that my 2011 will include the following (in no particular order):
-Gaining a stronger sense of self
-Ending 2011 half the size that I started it in
-Finding someone who I have the ultimate connection with
-Obtaining a level of fitness that I can be proud of
-Uncovering my next professional adventure
-Gaining greater understanding, compassion, and acceptance towards others' situations, challenges, and opinions
-Scoring a hot, new wardrobe
-Having the opportunity to continue to explore this vast world
-Participating in the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer--39 miles..whew!
-Ending my committed relationship with carbs
-Being able to hop
-Getting a new, edgy haircut
-Taking advantage of every moment that I have been fortunate to spend with family and friends during my hiatus

Bring it on 2011!!!!!

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