Sunday, February 6, 2011


So, yesterday I got scolded.  By the Weight Watchers leader.  For losing weight too fast.

Now, in all seriousness, I understand the premise--there is a healthy rate at which to lose weight.

It was just kinda a funny scene.  You know, having to keep a straight face while being admonished for being too successful.  I don't think I did that great of a job of not cracking a smile--considering that I was literally almost jumping for joy when the scale reported me down.

And then I surprised myself.  Ya see, you get a token for different milestones--in this case, it was a 25 pounder.  And instead of tossing it into the bottom of my purse, I immediately and proudly affixed it to my keychain.  Yes, me.

So, we're lookin at down 7 lbs for the week--28 total for 10 weeks.  It may be "too fast", but I'll take it.  Particularly as I am learning to balance my new big girl job and the lifestyle change. 

Week 11, here I come!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Aryn, are you feeling pretty great?! But seriously, I know it to be true......the slower you take it off, the longer you will probably keep it off.
    I've been "stalking" your journey, and it's been wonderful to watch your progress, externally and internally.........
