Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Oh What a Year it Has Been!

Well, it's been a year since I officially began this journey.

Holy moly has it gone by fast!!!  No joke.

The good news is:
-I've lost 64 lbs.
-I'm more fit than I have ever been as an adult.
-I am wearing clothes I haven't fit into in years.
-I managed to meet the love of my life. And he happened to come with a slammin house!
-I am fortunate to have spent more time with my parents.
-I am lucky to have a stronger support system than I ever could have imagined.
-I feel rejuvenated and ready for my next career adventure.
-My ass is actually starting to look roundish and my face is beginning to look less so.

The other news is:
Eh, I'll save it for another day.  Today I bask in the glow of a year well spent!

Thursday, November 24, 2011


I mean, happy Thanksgiving everyone.

I also mean, FUCK YES.

As it pertains to my TWELVE POUND weight loss last week.

Yup, I am now the thinnest I have been as an adult.

Well, until 5pm this evening...when I commence eating everything in site.

Gobble gobble!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Wacky Week

The last few weeks have been like I am living in bizarro world.

The sitch:
*I have worked out TWICE A DAY the last 20 out of 21 days.
*I have not exceeded my food points allowance any day in the last 3 weeks--well, except for my birthday.  On my day, I had a giant piece of cake and some yum-o pancakes.  Totally worth it.
*Last week I gained 7 pounds.  Yes, GAINED.  Despite all of the above.  And then I had a nervous breakdown.  Nearly.
*My badass boyfriend, magnificent mom, dynamo dad, awesome Auntie M, and tremendous trainer all talked me down from the ledge.  I was being a total pain in the ass, whoa is me whiner.
*My trainer saved the day.  He suggested that I drink more water (like twice as much), limit my sodium intake, eat all of my food points, and keep working out intensely.
*Fast-forward two days and like 200 pees.  I lost the 7 pounds I had three more.  That's 10 pounds of water I had apparently been carrying around.  Totally crazy.

Tomorrow I get weighed in for real.  Then we will really know.

Tomorrow is also the anniversary of my move to Houston.

Now if I can just lose 50 or so pounds by then, I'd be really set!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Awesome Mental Strength

My boyfriend often reminds me of our collective awesome mental strength (generally just before I put a tortilla chip in my mouth).

Well, I am pretty close to giddy to report that today I exhibited super-human mental strength (well, by Aryn standards).

This is the 11th consecutive day of working out.  And on this 11th consecutive day, I grumbled out of bed at 6:30am (waaaay too early on a Saturday) and allowed my car to magically steer me to the gym.

Drum roll please.

Somehow, I managed to huff and puff my way through SIXTY-EIGHT MINUTES/ SIX+ MILES of elliptical torture.

I have never intentionally participated in such extreme physical activity in my life (yes, I have been on more strenuous hikes, I just have been tricked into them).

And apparently it was pretty much my limit.  When I got home, my boyfriend quipped "WOW babe, you look BEAT!"

Lemme tell ya, there is zero chance I look half as beat as I feel!

Thursday, November 10, 2011


This one goes out to my Auntie M...whose nagging no doubt contributed to my day yesterday.....

Yesterday was GOOOD.

Like, 3 trips to the gym and 2 visits to Weight Watchers, good.

Like, an hour on the elliptical and an hour with the trainer, good.

Like, within 2 lbs of my lowest weight, good.

Like, 12 points under my food limit, good.

Like, 200% higher than my usual daily activity point total, good.

Like, this morning I weighed 2.5 lbs less than yesterday morning, good.

Soooo soooo GOOOOOD!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Power Hour

When I was in college (more than a few years ago), "power hour" referred to a rather intense drinking game. One that I was pretty darn good at, if I doooooo say so myself.  FUN.

In these last few days of my 32nd year, "power hour" has taken on a new meaning--the 67 minutes (YES ONE HOUR PLUS SEVEN MINUTES) that I spent on the elliptical this morning.  LESS FUN.  But, more fulfilling. 6 miles fulfilling. 700+ calories fulfilling.

Tomorrow is the big weigh in day.  So, we'll see how effective my last 7 days of being back on the wagon have been.

I miss booze.  And I miss chocolate.  And I miss Mexican food.

Hopefully I will have shed a few pounds that I WILL NOT miss.

God help me I will make it past the 61 lb loss barrier.  One power hour at a time.

Friday, November 4, 2011

DAY 3!!!

So, it's really day 330-something of my new lifestyle quest.  Yes, it has almost been a year already--can ya believe it?!?!?

For me at this moment, it feels more like day 3.  Ya see, somehow I let myself fall into a rut resembling a giant vat of excuses.  None of them particularly solid, inventive, witty excuses.  Just plain old half hearted "reasons" why it was justified for me to take a break from the program that I uprooted my whole life for.

My trek out of the rut began with a call to my mom a few days ago.  This "discussion" kicked off with a lengthy confession (on my part) and loud chiding (on hers).  It was JUST what I needed, and JUST why I called.

And now my (rather robust) ass is back in gear (again).  And I am genuinely, desperately hopeful that it will stay there.

My low is 61 lbs down....and I am clamoring to get past that number.  Well, at least I have been clamoring for the last 3 days.  Prior to that, I was eating a vat of Halloween candy almost as large as my vat of excuses.