Monday, September 17, 2012

Shanah Tovah

Last year, it took what seemed like eons to teach my fiance the proper greeting for the first of the Jewish holidays.

My beloved proved to be a much quicker study than yours truly.

The days leading up to the end of one year and the beginning of a new one have reminded me of a reality that I have been slow to learn:

One cannot control some circumstances, but one can always control one's reaction to them.

I cannot control whether yet another cancer spot shows up on my innocent, tough, little pug.  And I cannot control whether friends (even "life-long" ones) and family hold up their end of the bargain.

But, I can control whether I reach for a glass (let's be honest, a bottle) of vino and scrounge up whatever forbidden foods have had the gaul to remain in this house.

As I sit awake at 4am and ignore the calls of the cake in my freezer, I have managed to hone in on my (not-so-poetic) hope for the New Year:

May the New Year bring us all the grace to react in ways that are reflective of our best self.

Shanah Tovah!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Irony..or Whatever

I find it darkly amusing that the catalyst for my being less than on track the last few weeks has been other people's nuptials.

Apparently I have a tough time passing up even a second, morsel, or drop of the festivities.

How much damage could be done in a couple of Saturdays, right?  There's only so much wedding cake a person can many trips to the bar a person can make.

Yeah, think again.

There is no such thing as a wedding's a wedding weekend.  Sometimes 4 days long.  And all of your friends and/ or family are in town.  And you HAVE to show them around properly, right?!? What kind of friend would I be if I shirked my margarita y queso duties?!?!

The cakes (um, wedding AND groom's) and the open bar are the least of the evils.

So, it's a bit shocking that I managed to drop 3 lbs over the course of two wedding weekends.  Butttt.....the previous week I gained 3.  Sooooo......the last 3 weeks have been pretty much a wash--though I was "supposed to" rid myself of 9 big ones in that time.

I have like 2.5 months to drop 40 lbs to stay on track with my fantasy of beating my low by the end of November.  And 4 months until d-day for squeezing into the white dress.

According to one of my docs, it's only healthy to lose like ONE pound a week.  I'm no math wiz, but that's clearly not gonna work.

That "Freeze the Fat" billboard on 59 is becoming more effective by the minute.