Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Wacky Week

The last few weeks have been like I am living in bizarro world.

The sitch:
*I have worked out TWICE A DAY the last 20 out of 21 days.
*I have not exceeded my food points allowance any day in the last 3 weeks--well, except for my birthday.  On my day, I had a giant piece of cake and some yum-o pancakes.  Totally worth it.
*Last week I gained 7 pounds.  Yes, GAINED.  Despite all of the above.  And then I had a nervous breakdown.  Nearly.
*My badass boyfriend, magnificent mom, dynamo dad, awesome Auntie M, and tremendous trainer all talked me down from the ledge.  I was being a total pain in the ass, whoa is me whiner.
*My trainer saved the day.  He suggested that I drink more water (like twice as much), limit my sodium intake, eat all of my food points, and keep working out intensely.
*Fast-forward two days and like 200 pees.  I lost the 7 pounds I had found...plus three more.  That's 10 pounds of water I had apparently been carrying around.  Totally crazy.

Tomorrow I get weighed in for real.  Then we will really know.

Tomorrow is also the anniversary of my move to Houston.

Now if I can just lose 50 or so pounds by then, I'd be really set!

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