Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Torture Chamber

First day of Weight Watchers.

The plan itself is ingenious---convert a thousand or so calories into a handful of points so that our little minds can comprehend what we are eating in a day.  Makes total sense.

The meetings--less so.

Now, I've sworn up and down to give the meetings a chance.  So, I will.  HOWEVER, I am honestly not sure how much I can take of AA for fat people.

I was pretty convinced that the primary torture would be in the form of a weigh in. Think-- "I starved myself for a week while elliptical-ing non stop...how in the hell did I end up 2 pounds up."

Nope.  Definitely not the worst part.  The portion that makes me want to rip my ears off is the sharing.  I TRULY do not care what the stranger next to me did with her Thanksgiving leftovers.  Nor do I have any delusions that the stranger cares that I somehow managed to not have even one sip of adult beverage this T-day (and a cheer goes up in the crowd).

I suppose I could look at it as motivation to take this freakin weight off so that I can get the dickens out of here!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, man...I am laughing out loud at this post. Too Funny!
