Wednesday, January 12, 2011


So, I only lost .4 lbs last week.  Sigh.

Considering I was traveling and slightly less than virtuous, I WOULD be almost ok with the negligible loss.  However, I come to find out that my mother and cousin who are also on the program shed 2.6 lbs and 2 lbs respectively.  Maddening.

How that is possible I have no idea, considering that we literally ate the same food and did the same amount of exercise.  It's as if my body is laughing at me or something.

The whole thing is infuriating....but I keep telling myself that it is a marathon and not a sprint.  On the plus side, I am averaging 2.2 lbs per week.  The pros say that that is the safe amount to lose.  I say that at this rate I'd better hope that they have WW in the old folks home I will be in, still not having reached my goal weight.

1 comment:

  1. Take heart. I find that I lose small amounts for 2 weeks and then drop much more in the 3rd week. Maybe you do something similar.
