Friday, January 28, 2011

Viva Mexico!

Back on dry land.  And lemme tell ya being healthy whilst cruisin' is a bigger feat than I imagined.  Shocking, I know.

A few fun facts about our adventure in the sun:
-There are 14 occasions for meals each day; that is, if you ignore the fact that the pizzeria and deli are open 24/7.
-I have never ever ever seen fatter ugly people en masse in my life.  I'm not joking.  It was unbelievable. Where do these people come from.
-It is impossible (for me) to escape 2 days on Mexico's beaches without an encounter with a frosty beverage.  Guilty as charged.
-My mother and I should have worn shirts that said "anti-tourist".  No souvenirs, no playing dress up, no $500 bar tab, no visits to the formal dining room--mas fun!
-Towel animals are harder to make than it looks.
-The Carnival mascot strangely resembles a stuffed IUD (birth control device).
-Coconut water (the fad isotonic beverage) comes from actual coconuts--who knew!
-If you are on a double decker bus tour in Progreso, Mexico and the guide yells "duck-power lines," he means it.
-A great way to avoid the midnight buffet is to go bed before it starts.  And it is possible to have only tea whilst at high tea.  Much to my mother's chagrin.  
-Somehow, I managed to not gain weight.  Net-net, down .6 lbs.  I'll take it.

Back to the real world I go!


  1. wow that's awesome! it's really hard to not gain weight on vacation, so bravo!
