Monday, January 10, 2011

Mi Familia

My family is not Italian--however, if I were to use one word to sum us up, it would be "mangia!"

This weekend we ate.  And when we were done eating, we ate some more.  Utter gluttony.  Some of the more memorable moments included the following exclamations:

"It's really too bad you are not eating (due to Weight Watchers), the food is sooooooo good here!"

"There is not a thing in this world I have discovered that I don't like to eat."

"This cake is sooooo good.  Pass me that third one."

"I had two egg salad sandwiches, two chicken salad sandwiches, and two corned beef sandwiches.  Hand me the potato salad."

When we were eating breakfast, we discussed lunch...during lunch, the talk turned to dinner...and so on and so on.....

In a shocking turn of events, I mostly was able to steer clear of all of the food pushing that went on.  That's not to say that I didn't do some tasting off the record; I most certainly did.  HOWEVER, a glutton I was not--and that is a true success in and of itself.

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