Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Bullet Dodged

Yeah, so I ended up losing 3 lbs last week.  I was totally, utterly, and completely surprised.  And I totally, utterly, and completely did not deserve it.  Not one ounce of it.  Well, mayyybe a couple of ounces.

And I'm totally, utterly, and completely not taking it for granted.

At the risk of sounding like a whiner, balancing has proven to be a bigger challenge than anticipated.  Though I don't have to be at the office until 9:30am, sleeping till 8am is much more enticing than a date with the elliptical.  And oh how I still love enjoying a margarita (or 5) with friends.  I know, I know..rough life.

Bottom line has to be: no more excuses and no more games.  It is imperative that I get 100% back on track.

I know I've been saying this for a couple of weeks now--but I think I'm actually starting to mean it.  Having my mom as a partner in crime will help.  Three weeks of birthday festivities has left the wagon in the dust for her.  But we are recommiting to holding each other accountable. 

I'm gonna be uber pissed when I'm back to it next week and I lose less than the 3 lbs that I half-assed last week.  LOL.

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