Wednesday, March 30, 2011


When I woke up this morning I coulda sworn that I looked fatter...from all angles.  I put on a dress that I had worn a week ago, and was convinced that it wasn't going to fit.  I could definitely see each and every tortilla chip that I big time cheated and had last week.  Every sip of wine was returning for payback. 
And so I was TERRIFIED to step on the scale this am--so trepidatious that I managed to make excuses for two whole days to not weigh in.  I peed like 3 times to ensure that I was not going to be charged for even an extra ounce.

Apparently somehow I managed to get back on track--down another 2.8 lbs; 45 lbs total.

And now I look in the mirror and the dress looks different--the chips and booze have disappeared.


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