Friday, March 18, 2011

Freaky Friday

I, along with most people I know, am very fortunate.  This is something that I am acutely aware of, and try to remind myself of often.  Overall, I am one lucky, lucky girl.

Today, in addition to being "blessed" (yes, I said it)...I am also feeling fat and grumpish.

Let's just say that the day did not start well. 

I managed to cause a tiff with my boyfriend before 7am--now THAT'S talent.  And start the day running late.

I scramble home to find my almost perfect little pug puking her little guts out.  A good lesson to avoid eating from the trash can.

I then learn that my poor Grammy has taken a fall and is in some not so good shape.  This is when being emotionally close yet geographically far apart is tough.

And to round the morning out, I feel uber fat and uncute.

I think I'll spend the afternoon counting my blessings--of which, there are many, many, many.

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