Monday, March 14, 2011


4-ish years ago I lost 40-ish lbs in 2-ish months.  Not safe, I know.  But damn--I looked good.  And in celebration, I hastily got rid of all of my "fat clothes" and got a whole new wardrobe.  Not smart--considering I gained it all back and then some after about a year.

Since then it's been a bit of a struggle on the fashion end of things.  And since I've started this new lifestyle dealio my short term goal has been to fit into that "new wardrobe" of several years ago.

So...drum roll please.....

Last night I tried on my smallest pants from days gone by.  They aren't so cute just yet, but I got them on without so much as a tug. 

AND I am pretty darn giddy to share that today I am wearing a dress that I have not looked cute in, in eons.  Though I am still roughly 10 pounds shy of where I left off 4 years ago, I must say I am looking pretty slammin today.

I am counting the minutes until the day when I can regale you all with stories of wearing each and every piece of that old-new wardrobe.

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