Friday, December 3, 2010

Kidding Me

Alllrighty.  It's time for the "balance" portion of my blog.  In this particular instance, "balance" takes the shape of dating.

Oh, and there is bound to be TMI (too much information) in this installment--if you are squeamish (or my parents), this would be a good one to skip.


So, I went out on this date last Sunday.  Yes, I am aware that I had only been in the city 3 days at that point.  Why waste time?!?

The long and the short is.....why in God's name would a guy INITIATE good night kissing after a 3 hour date if he is, in fact, NOT at all interested.

And how do I know he's not into it.  Well, silly, the douche didn't call.  That's right.  Radio silence.  A make-out session with no intention of moving forward.

ARE YOU KIDDING ME??????  I want my saliva back.......

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