Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Slowly but Surely

Down another 2.4 lbs.  Not stellar--not horrible.  I'll take it.

Truthfully, my immediate reaction was "are you freakin kidding me?!?"  And honestly, if I could give back the 2.4 lbs and get back my week of working out 8x and eating like a rabbit, I would truly consider it.  No really, I would.

The word on the street is that I am gaining muscle.  And lemme tell ya, I'd better be--with all of the sweating I do in that training gym.

In other news, I am almost rid of my fear of the ball and the box.  I still cringe every time I see one or the other, but I'm pretty sure I whine less when asked interact with the dreaded apparatus (unless it involves hopping, of course).  Now THAT is progress!

1 comment:

  1. Can we see a picture of this ball? Visualizing your fear will help you surpass it, right??
